Mr. Crackles | Darlinghurst, Sydney

So, one thing you should know – I’m a science student at UNSW. And being a science student, and particularly one at UNSW, it entails those long bus rides every single day making you wish you went to a university closer to a station. But there are some good points about these bus rides; some good memories are made like watching someone fall asleep on your friend’s shoulder or you hanging on for dear life when the bus driver makes those violent turns (alright, not sure if that’s a good memory per se, but it’s memorable). However, the best part of these bus rides, for me, is discovering new places to eat that I would otherwise have missed because let’s be honest, if I didn’t go to UNSW, I’m not sure I’ll ever take the M10 to and from Kensington. And that’s how I landed here at Mr Crackles in Darlinghurst – it was the place I vowed with my friends to go with my friends one day, since the beginning of the year – and finally, nearing my first year at uni, I’m here.

What caught my attention about this place is the name – Mr Crackles… there is something about these two words that combine together to make it sound so delicious. And how aptly named it is – it’s pork crackling heaven on earth.

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